To log into your account, please log out of your current account.
Important: Before logging out, connect the current account to Plarium ID (you can use a fake email address for this purpose).
You can also clear the application's cache to reset your account.
To log in to your account in the main authorization menu:
1. Tap "Log in" in the upper right corner:
2. Choose "Log in with Plarium ID":
3. Enter your email and tap "Next":
4. Enter your password and tap "Log in":
5. Enter the 2FA code and tap "Log in" once more:
You have successfully entered the account. Tap "Back to the game" to finish the log-in process.
To log into your account from Bastion, do the following:
1. Open your Profile and tap "Log in":
2. Tap "Log in with Plarium ID":
3. Enter your email and tap "Next":
4. Enter your password and tap "Log in":
5. Enter the 2FA code and tap "Log in" once more:
You have successfully entered the account. Tap "Back to the game" to finish the log-in process.
Please, note that the game will ask you to solve reCaptcha if you enter your password incorrectly a few times in a short period. After solving the reCAPTCHA, you will be able to enter your password again.