Purchase Rewards augment the player experience by providing additional rewards for acquiring various in-game content through real world currency transactions.
Key Features
One-Time Claim
Each Purchase Reward is a one-time claimable item. Once claimed, the reward cannot be reclaimed or applied to any subsequent purchases.
Reward Conditions
Every reward within the Purchase Rewards feature has specific conditions for eligibility. The primary criterion is a minimum single purchase amount. It is important to emphasize that previous purchase values are not cumulative, and past transactions do not count towards Purchase Reward eligibility.
Cumulative Eligibility
A single purchase can meet the criteria for one, multiple, or all Purchase Reward conditions, depending on the amount and the specific terms of each reward. Players, in such instances, have the opportunity to collect all available rewards associated with their purchase.
Reward Allocation
The allocation of Purchase Rewards will be automatically processed based on the eligibility criteria met by your singular purchase. Players will see an availability indicator showing the rewards earned through their purchase, ready for collection.
Refund Policy
Refund Correspondence
If a player requests a refund for a purchase that qualifies for a Purchase Reward, the reward will be revoked. It is important for players to note that eligibility for rewards is assessed at the time of each transaction and that if subsequent purchases following the initial transaction meet the required minimum value for the reward, the associated rewards will not be revoked.
Post-Refund Reward Availability
Following the revocation of a Purchase Reward, the specific reward related to the refunded purchase will no longer be accessible, even if future purchases meet the original reward criteria conditions.
Voucher Considerations
Plarium Play Platform Vouchers
Vouchers obtained through the Plarium Play platform do not contribute towards Purchase Reward calculations. Players can still collect rewards if the purchase price, without considering the applied voucher, satisfies the reward conditions.