If you have any issues running Plarium Play or RAID: Shadow Legends on it, check our Technical Issues Knowledgebase category where we list the most common errors along with the ways to solve them.
If the error you are facing isn't listed there, please submit a ticket to our Loading/Running issues category.
Include the following files in the ticket so that we can process your request:
- Screenshot of the error message
- Crash conditions (e.g. what game mode you were in, which Champions you used)
- Plarium Play error log located in <install_path>\PlariumPlay\pp_log.txt
- RAID App error log: \PlariumPlay\StandAloneApps\raid\203\log.txt
Note: the 203 folder may have a different name depending on the game’s build version.
Important: We release fixes for the most common errors in the game updates. Please, make sure that you have updated the game to the latest version.